Friday, September 18, 2009

All Stars

All Stars is the championship swim meet for tri-county swim league. You have to be one of the top 10 swimmers in your age group. It is normally held on a Saturday in July. Last season it was on July 18, 2009. You can also get in the newspaper. The bad part is if your team hosts the meet you are the first warm-up and normally the meet starts at 7am and it takes almost 2 hours to get everything set up and get every one warmed-up. Also my mom had to set up in the morning so i had to be at the pool at 4:30am I was tired I mean any body would be. When the meet starts we do the National Anthem and do the graduated relays. Then you do Butterfly. Next it's Freestyle. Then it's off to Breaststroke. Finally, Backstroke and then the Individual Medleys. Then you do the relays for your age group. The one thing weird about this is ageing up. Say your birthday is June 5 and you are turning 13 you would still be in 12 and under for the rest of the season. So you could be 15 and swimming with 14 year olds.

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